Sunday, February 7, 2010

An Opening Post

Hello Everyone,
This blog serves a purpose, as most human endeavors do. It may inform those not experienced in the martial arts about the subject. It may also assist those who developed their own perspective about other perspectives. Rancor, abrasiveness, and downright meanness will not be tolerated; but discussions that exhibit civility and politeness always will. If someone disagrees with my point of view, then attempt to convince me of your viewpoint. If we cannot come to an agreement, then we will agree to disagree.

There are three rules that should be followed everywhere.

To understand that “The Three Rules” apply everywhere, we must first understand them. What are “The Three Rules and what do they mean? The first rule is Respect. It simply means that each person treats others the way they want to be treated. An example of this rule would be saying please and thank you when someone is nice. The second rule is Self Control. It means that we fit our behavior to meet the situation. An example of this rule would be not hitting a sibling when they started an argument or not yelling inside the house.
The third rule is Self Discipline. It means that we do things that we know should be done without being asked to do them. An example would be cleaning up your room, before a parent asked you to do it. Another example would be to dry dishes or complete chores before anyone says anything.

Why do “The Three Rules” apply everywhere? Just following these rules at home is not enough. When addressing a teacher, friend, or even someone we do not know; we must behave well. If we expect from others, we must first show that we can do it. You never know when you may make a new friend or make someone else’s day. So follow these rules everywhere and show that you are the responsible one.

I hope this helps explain some things. More to come.

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